A pdf download about the City Nature Challenge 2022
There is no doubt about it, the people who took part in the City Nature Challenge CNCYXE did take action towards global conservation efforts. It was Great to Be the Reason Nature Believes in Humanity. Thank you one and all for taking part in the first Ever City Nature Challenge for Saskatoon and Area! In Saskatoon we had amazing support from the City of Saskatoon for the City Nature Challenge. The Saskatoon Nature Society came on board, and really pulled through! The City of Saskatoon entomologist, Sydney Worthy, was host at an insect workshop which helped the CNC and this workshop is still having ripple effects through the school system. The Saskatchewan Mycological Working Group were host to a Fungi and Lichen Workshop which likewise is having amazing spin-offs! Appreciation is extended to the Prairie Conservation Action Plan for hosting a City Nature Challenge presentation for the Native Prairie Speakers Series. For these and other City Nature Challenge virtual webinars and workshops, see YouTube. Thanks to the University of Saskatchewan environment and sustainability classes for their contributions. The classrooms of students from the Saskatoon Public School Board and the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools were wonderful to see the student enthusiasm at both Brightwater at the afforestation areas, and around Saskatoon. Thanks to the Meewasin staff at Beaver Creek for helping out! Thank you to the Canadian Wildlife Federation WILD group for their assistance. City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon Nature Society, SaskTel, SaskPower, SaskEnergy, Mosaic, EcoFriendly West were super to help with the logistics for the planning this event. Thanks to everyone in the area around Saskatoon. Check out "explore" on iNat or go to BioSmart. Hats off to Wild About Saskatoon, Cpaws and Nature Conservancy of Canada for helping to make the event happen, indeed. We wish to say thank you kindly to the Saskatoon Media Group for their radio announcements also, that was wonderful to get the word out! Thanks to everyone who shared the social media assets as well. It was wonderful to meet the organizing crew of the Canadian Wildlife Federation, California Academy of Sciences, Natural History Museum Los Angeles County.
In the words of Richard St. Barbe Baker, Twihamwe or pull together echoes the Province of Saskatchewan Motto, Multis e gentibus vires (From Many Peoples Strength). This pulling together happened during the first ever Saskatoon City Nature Challenge and our statistics show we had the second highest results for the prairie provinces in Canada - imagine that! What a show of support for wildlife and conservation! If we have inadvertently missed any group or contributing organization, please email, and we apologize most humbly - it has been a most busy week. And, of course, thank you to all the individuals who are passionate about nature and who helped out just because they like to be out in nature, and taking observations, or helping with identifications, it was an amazing four day bio-blitz cram session.
The Global City Nature Challenge Statistics show an amazing result: 1,570,392 Observations worldwide. 50,270 Total Species were observed Globally. 64,238 People around the World took part.
In Saskatoon and area, in this very early springtime, there were 14 species at risk sighted.
American Elm Ulmus americana
American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Blackbottle Protophormia terraenovae
Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii
Early Blue Violet Viola palmata
Goldenrod Gall Fly Eurosta solidaginis
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Louisiana Broomrape Aphyllon ludovicianum
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Prairie Violet Viola pedatifida
Togwoteeus biceps
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
Yellow-banded Bumble Bee Bombus terricola
A bit of history about the City Nature Challenge
Thank you so much for helping to put the City of Saskatoon and area on the world nature scene! Using iNaturalist take photos of plants, animals, insects and mushrooms between April 29 - May 2, 2022! Saskatoon will compete for the title of the most Biodiverse City. We need your help. The goals are to engage the public in the collection of biodiversity data, with three awards each year for the cities and areas that makes the most observations, find the most species, and engage the most people.
City Nature Challenge YouTube Video Saskatoon And Area CNC YXE DNU
From May 3-May 8 identify what was found in Saskatoon Taking part is as easy as 1-2-3!
Whether you're an avid naturalist or a dog walker, everyone can participate: it's easy, fun, and will encourage you to get outdoors.
We will be using the iNaturalist digital platform to record observations, under this project.
Signup to iNaturalist today and then join our 'City Nature Challenge 2022: Saskatoon, SK' project!
By joining the project you will be notified when news items are added to our project page.
If you're new to iNaturalist, then we can help {either contact us via friendsafforestation@gmail.som or follow instructions online at https://inaturalist.ca/}.
Started in 2016 for the first-ever Citizen Science Day, the citizen science teams at Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences dreamed up the City Nature Challenge as a fun way to capitalize on their home cities’ friendly rivalry and hold a citizen science event around urban biodiversity. The first City Nature Challenge was an eight-day competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco, engaging residents and visitors in documenting nature to better understand urban biodiversity. Over 20,000 observations were made by more than 1000 people in a one-week period, cataloging approximately 1600 species in each location, including new records for both areas. During the 2016 CNC, the organizers heard so much excitement and interest from people in other cities that they decided that they couldn’t keep to the fun just to themselves. In 2017 the City Nature Challenge went national, and in 2018, the CNC became an international event!
Saskatoon is now registered for the very first time ever to participate in the 2022 event - so we really need your help to highlight the City of Saskatoon area!
For more information
Sign up with your free ticket now!
Tutorial What is It?
City Nature Challenge Canada 2022
Canada Wildlife Federation City Nature Challenge Canada 2022
City Nature Challenge 2022
Hosted by the non profit environmental charity: Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
CNC YXE is run completely by volunteer organizers. If you’re part of a local stewardship or municipal group and would like to contribute to the promotion of the event, offer your skillsets, or make a donation to this city project please contact friendsafforestation@gmail.com to learn more. We can offer a charitable tax receipt for your donation as well. Let us know your contribution is for the CNC YXE 2022.