Discover Nutana: A Unique Blend of Heritage and Conservation

Nutana Collegiate adjacent to Chief Darcy Bear Park 

The Nutana Community Association and the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. recently joined forces to spread awareness about the City Nature Challenge event. Nutana Community Association's willingness to network and promote the event in their newsletter is crucial in ensuring its success.

Uncover Nutana's Natural Treasures: Join the City Nature Challenge!

The Nutana Community Association plays a vital role in the community. They work hand in hand with the City of Saskatoon and the Broadway Business Improvement District to make the city a greener and more vibrant place for all. Their involvement in various activities and events, such as the Nutana Free Film Festival, showcases their commitment to promoting arts, culture, and environmental conservation.

Nutana has numerous green spaces that provide excellent opportunities for outdoor exploration and nature observation. Parks like Rotary Park, and Cosmopolitan Park alongside the South Saskatchewan River shore line, Idylwyld Park, Massey Park, Poplar Park, Albert Recreation Unit, W.E. Graham Park, Chief Darcy Bear Park. offer residents and visitors alike a chance to connect with nature and learn about local ecosystems.

When exploring the waters of the South Saskatchewan River near Nutana, it's important to prioritize safety while keeping your senses open for the wonders of nature. The riparian water edge and shoreline waters are rich with life waiting to be discovered. You might catch sight of majestic kingfishers or eagles soaring overhead, or witness a variety of gulls and shorebirds gliding gracefully. The shores are lined with willows, snowberries, bulrushes, horsetail, bent grasses, saltbushes, sedges, and unique arrowhead plants, providing a feast for the senses. As you spy the aquatic plants and observe minnows darting about, keep an eye out for the distinctive presence of a Virile Crayfish or a freshwater clam. Signs of life on the sandy shoreline, such as the tracks of frogs or amphibians, or the sleek trails left by snakes in the evening, might surprise you. With luck, you might even catch a glimpse of otters, muskrats, or beavers, a true treat along the riverside, all while we work together to protect our watershed for future generations to enjoy.

Old Victoria Bridge and Nutana Collegiate

Nutana's Heritage, Nutana's Future: We Care for Both

Moreover, Nutana is home to several heritage sites, making it a unique destination for a walking expedition that combines history and nature observing and recording biodiversity and signs of life along the way. The Gustin/Trounce House, Marr Residence, and Nutana Collegiate Memorial Art Gallery are just a few of the heritage sites that showcase the rich history of the area.

One of the highlights of the collaboration between Nutana Community Association and the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. is the City Nature Challenge event. This event encourages people to observe and document the biodiversity in their area, contributing valuable data to the global scientific community.

 The City Nature Challenge event, which takes place from April 26-29, sees enthusiastic participation from Nutana residents and other members of the community. Participants are encouraged to explore their local green spaces, bus tops, sidewalks, boulevard trees and share their observations on social media, contributing to a global effort to document biodiversity.

George Genereux Urban Regional Park: A Place of Pride, Nature, and History

A unique aspect of Nutana's connection with the afforestation areas is its association with George Genereux, a student at Nutana Collegiate and Canada’s only Gold Olympic champion of 1952. The George Genereux Urban Regional Park, named in his honor, serves as a reminder of his remarkable achievements and his connection to the Nutana neighborhood. This park serves as a symbol of inspiration and a testament to the community's commitment to preserving natural spaces. . This connection adds another layer of significance to our collaboration and highlights the rich history and heritage of the Nutana community.

 Nutana's eagerness to help promote the City Nature Challenge event in their newsletter was instrumental in spreading the word and encouraging participation. This collaboration between the Nutana Community Association and the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. demonstrates the power of community involvement in environmental conservation and biodiversity research.

Nutana's City Nature Challenge: Discover, Record, Share!

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the Nutana Community Association for their collaboration and support. Their efforts to promote the City Nature Challenge event and their commitment to environmental conservation are commendable. We look forward to future collaborations and continue to work together to create a greener and more sustainable future for all.

To learn more about the Nutana Community Association, visit their website at To stay updated on the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.'s events and activities, follow us on social media @friendsareas or visit our website at

 Nutana Community Association: Where Ecology Meets Community.

Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for future generations. Thank you, Nutana Community Association, for being a valuable partner in our mission to promote environmental conservation and biodiversity research. 

Image of George Genereux courtesy of his son, George Genereux Jr. 

Image of South Saskatchewan River, Victoria Bridge, and Nutana Collegiate courtesy Trekphiler

Image of Nutana Collegiate courtesy Drm310